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Temporary and quick relief from tooth pain could be got by these remedies

Posted on: 27/Oct/2020 9:36:38 AM
If you ask someone who had tooth pain, then he or she would tell how tough it was!!

The fact is that many of us would not be able to deal with this tooth pain. The pain would be there even in the nights and we would not be able to sleep well also. Normally, the tooth pan would be there for just 1 or 2 days but sometimes it would be there for a longer period. In that case, it is important that we must visit a dentist to sort out the issue.

There are times when we might not be able to visit the dentist. There are few remedies that are available at the homes also.

The various home remedies for treating tooth pain are

Having saltwater mouthwash:
It is good to rinse the mouth with saltwater or rub some salt to the part where it is painful. By doing this, we could get instant relief from the pain.

By having ice pack cold compress:
It is believed that by keeping a bag of ice packs over the area the tooth pain could be reduced. By pressing it on the cheek bone for some time we could slow down the flow of blood of the affected area.

By using aloe vera:
Aloe vera has got amazing benefits that are well known. It is superb to use the gel of this plant to clean and soothe the gums.

By having cloves:
The presence of eugenol in clove does tremendously in the pain relief die to its anaesthetic property.  Tooth pain would get reduced immediately.

By applying garlic:
It is true that garlic would provide many health benefits. One such is it would help easing the tooth pain. It is believed that we could get instant relief from tooth pain by crushing garlic and mixing with salt and applying to the affected area.

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