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Some superb health benefits of intake of buckwheat

Posted on: 14/Dec/2018 9:59:04 AM
Also known as common buckwheat or Japanese buckwheat etc, buckwheat belongs to the family called ‘Polygonaceae’. It is worthy to mention here that buckwheat is related to sorrel, knotweed etc. The interesting fact about buckwheat is the seeds of buckwheat are rich in complex carbohydrates hence it is known as pseudo cereal. The seeds of buckwheat are triangular in shape and in this it is similar to larger seeds of beech nut. The flower of the plant has got a pleasant odour. Many constituents are present in buckwheat and these are dietary fibres, starch, protein, minerals like zinc, selenium, iron etc. Buckwheat also has polyphenols like tannins, catechins etc. The presence of B vitamins in buckwheat is responsible for many important functions. One important point is buckwheat does not have any gluten in it. Our health would be superb when we consume buckwheat.

These are the various health benefits we get from consuming buckwheat.

Prevents risk of diabetes:

The fact about buckwheat is it has got minimum carbohydrates and ranks low on the glycemic index. Nutrients get absorbed into our blood streams directly by intake of buckwheat. Regulation of blood sugar levels is possible by buckwheat intake. Prevention from the risk of diabetes is got.

Digestion is improved:

The dietary fibre present in buckwheat does fabulously in the digestion process. The bowel movements in us get regulated by intake of buckwheat. The factors responsible for chronic digestive diseases like cancer are eliminated.

Cholesterol levels maintained:

High cholesterol levels in us could lead to severe issues like strokes, heart attacks etc. Consuming buckwheat could lower the high cholesterol in us and prevents strokes etc. Bad cholesterol or LDL is lowered and good cholesterol or HDL is increased.

Fights cancers etc:

The presence of polyphenols, antioxidants and flavonoids etc in buckwheat plays huge role in fighting the free radicals that could cause issues like cancer in us. Our liver plus digestive and brain health gets superb support.

Gluten free:

This is one important benefit of intake of buckwheat. People who are allergic to gluten could consume buckwheat without fear as it is gluten free. Though it is similar to barley, many people consider buckwheat as a better food than barley due to its gluten free quality.

Gut health is improved:

It is important that we must have good gut health and the dietary fibre in buckwheat plays a superb part in maintaining the gut health. Issues like constipation, indigestions are avoided by regular intake of buckwheat.

Good for skin, hairs etc:

Many of us want our skin to be smooth and for that intake of buckwheat would be superb. Buckwheat could also delay the signs of ageing in us. The presence of niacin, riboflavin, vitamin B, thiamine etc in buckwheat improves the condition of damaged and dry scalp. Hair growth on the scalp would be thick and strong.

Superb for post menopausal women:

It is known that post menopausal females could get high cholesterol levels plus high BP, cancer etc in them. By intake of buckwhwheat these women could have improved health.

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