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Natural ways to bid bye to oily skin

Posted on: 10/Jun/2016 9:53:08 AM
If you have got oily skin, you probably practice ways to remove all the oil content completely and you perhaps do it more often. If you are one of those who practice it, this article is for you. Removing oil completely will lead to pimples, blackheads or whiteheads. Further, all the toners available in stores that are used to remove oil content are not 100 percent natural. They contain chemical too.
You can easily upkeep your health and that of your skin by choosing to go with the nature by using naturally available products. Hence if you need your skin to look glowing and fresh, go for natural toners.
White vinegar

Mix equal amount of white vinegar and water. Take a cotton ball and dip it in this mix. Use this to remove excessive oil content from your skin. This will give good glow to your skin.
Aloe Vera gel

Apply fresh Aloe Vera gel on your face and leave it for a few minutes. Wash it off with cold water. This will leave you skin look fresh and bright.

Take a good amount of grated cucumber. Mix curd into it and apply on your face. Let it dry for about ten minutes and wash off with cold water. In addition to removing oil content, this will also remove all the deeply settled dirt.
Ice or ice water

This is one of the most commonly practiced methods. Massage your face with cold water or ice cubes. All the dirt deposited on your skin will get removed. Your skin will also get tightened and this will also prevent your face from turning oily.
While there are a number of easy ways to keep your skin free from oil, why should you opt for chemical based products?
Stay natural, stay healthy. 

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