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These foods which we eat everyday can be bad for us, be careful!!

Posted on: 17/Mar/2022 9:29:52 AM
We all love to eat various varieties of foods, isn’t it?

Truth is here is that we eat many foods without knowing that some of the foods might be dangerous for our health.

These below mentioned are various foods that we eat almost every day and they could lead to some health issues in us also.

Intake of strawberries:

Many of us eat strawberries without even knowing that they might have pesticides sprayed on them. It was brought out by analysis that a single sample of strawberry has residue from not less than 22 pesticides.

Intake of margarine:

Margarine or artificial butter is consumed by many these days and it is made from vegetable oils or animal fats etc. They might have trans- fat which would increase the bad cholesterol levels in us. This might lead to heart diseases also. It is also mentioned that BHA in margarine could disrupt the endocrine system.

Intake of kidney beans:

It is known that kidney beans are good sources of minerals and vegetable proteins etc. Hemagglutinin that is present in the dry kidney beans would lead to serious digestive symptoms.

Intake of pine nuts:

Dysgeusia is caused in our mouth when we eat pine nuts. So, a person must be careful when he or she eats pine nuts.  These edible seeds are added to meat, fish, salads etc. People with this issue would feel that all foods they eat taste sour, sweet, bitter or metallic etc.

Intake of deli meat:

Nitrites are present in deli meat and when consumed by us we could get cancer. Research studies have mentioned the direct relation between intake of processed meat and cancer risk.

Intake of celery:

We might have heard that celery has water content in them but the truth is that celery has high levels of dangerous pesticides. This might harm our health.

Intake of carrots:

It is important not to keep carrots near bananas because ethylene (that is produced from bananas) could lead to chemical transformation in the carrots. This would result in dysgeusia or bitter/metallic taste in the mouth that would last for many days.  

Intake of rhubarb:

It is not safe to eat rhubarb leaves because we might get vomiting, convulsions, cramps etc. In certain persons, intake of rhubarb leaves might even lead to coma, death etc.

Intake of baby rice cereal:

In rice, arsenic occurs naturally. Foods like baby rice cereals etc have high levels of arsenic in them and eating this could lead to serious issues. The symptoms that occur due to arsenic are reddish and swollen skin, abdominal pain, nausea etc.

Intake of nutmegs:

Spice that is used in coffee, tea or milk or sprinkled over oatmeal etc could be dangerous. The presence of myristicin in nutmegs could lead to convulsions in us.

Intake of honey:

Intake of honey is not good for everyone. Truth is that kids below the age of one must not be given honey because honey contains botulism spores and this might not be accepted by the baby’s digestive system.

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