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Do you know about these signs of excess intake proteins or protein toxicity?

Posted on: 31/Jan/2022 9:30:49 AM
Proteins are very important for us. It is a known fact that proteins are made up of amino acids which are the building blocks of tissues, skin, muscles, blood vessels etc. Proteins also play a huge role in enzyme production plus in the production of hormones needed for the body to function normally.

Excess intake of proteins is not good and it could lead to many side effects in us. Truth is that it could lead to protein toxicity in us. So we must be careful in consuming proteins.

Various signs of protein toxicity in us are

Persistent bad mood:

If you have a persistent bad mood, then it might be due to excess intake of proteins. Though proteins are very important for us, we must consume them carefully. Consuming a balanced diet is essential as it would provide us with all the essential nutrients needed for us.

Bad breath:

It is obvious that when we have foul body odor and bad breath we find it difficult to mingle with others due to the fear of humiliation. Not many of us know that excess intake of proteins could result in bad breath. Our body starts to use fat as fuel when we do not consume enough carbohydrates. Ketones would be produced by the body and our breath would smell like nail polish remover.

Digestive issues:

Our overall health plus our mood would get boosted due to healthy and regular bowel movements. If the bowel movements are not regular then we could find it difficult. Our digestive system would suffer when we consume lots of proteins. Point is that by consuming too much of proteins we don’t consume fibers etc needed for healthy bowel movements. This could lead to digestive issues, constipation etc. Hence, it is necessary to eat a well balanced diet.

Brain fog:

Excess intake of protein or protein toxicity could lead to brain fog in us. Brain fog refers to lowering of cognitive functions in us. It must be taken into note that sugar deficit for the brain would lead the brain to actually shrink.

Increased thirst:

When we do not consume enough water, then we could become dehydrated. Increase in thirst could be because of an underlying health condition. Point is that when we consume excess protein our kidneys would work overtime to remove excess proteins and nitrogen waste from metabolizing the protein. This could lead to excess urination and lead to kidney damage etc. 

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