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You have more serious issue than just common cold is shown by these signs

Posted on: 24/Aug/2020 11:04:11 AM
In the cold seasons, many of us get affected by the common cold and this cold is caused by a virus.

Usually, cold symptoms would go after a week but if they persist even after a week then be careful as it might not be just cold but something else and more serious.

Be careful about these signs that show that you have more serious issues and not just cold.

Having symptoms for more than 4 days:

Normally, the cold symptoms like runny nose, nasal congestion, etc could go in just 4 days but when it persists for more time then be careful. Truth is it is not just common cold but flu.

Having Recurring Symptoms: Some people might get back symptoms once again after some time. In those cases, the doctor must be consulted immediately. Recurrent cold could be due to seasonal allergies like hay fever or it could be due to autoimmune diseases also.

Having High Fever: It is well known that common cold comes with mild fever but when you have a high fever then it might be something more serious. The presence of dengue or viral fever is usually revealed by high fever and cold.

Having low-grade fever for many days: In the common cold, a person might have a mild fever for a day or two. The body is fighting against more serious issues as shown by the presence of low-grade fever for several days. Sometimes, low-grade fever without any reason could reveal cancer also.

Having Stomach Issues: In case of common cold, there would not be other stomach issues like vomiting, diarrhea, etc. It might be due to avian influenza or bird flu or inflammation of the GI tract etc.

Having Severe Headache: Some persons might have severe headaches along with their fever and it might be due to meningitis. So, take care.

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