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Please avoid these foods if you have got psoriasis issue

Posted on: 23/Nov/2018 11:29:27 AM
It is known that abnormal immune response to normal body part results in what is called as autoimmune disease and there are 80 types of autoimmune disease present. Psoriasis is one type of autoimmune disease that many of us have. People with this psoriasis issue have patches of abnormal skin in them. Psoriasis symptoms such as red patches of skin with silvery scales, dry cracked skin, itching, burning sensation etc become more in the winter season and the medications like beta blockers etc could also increase the psoriasis symptoms.  The piece of information that could be shocking to psoriasis affected people is this issue cannot be cured and is lifelong one. It is difficult to manage life with this psoriasis issue but not impossible. It is important to mention here that people having psoriasis issue must avoid certain foods as these foods could trigger the issue.

These foods must be avoided by the psoriasis affected persons

Avoid alcohol intake:

Those who have got psoriasis issue in them must completely avoid alcohol consumption. This could increase the psoriasis and cause more difficulties. So be careful.

Avoid nightshade plants intake:

Tomatoes have become part and parcel of many dishes as these tomatoes increase the taste of the dishes. The tomatoes belong to nightshade family of fruits and vegetables.  Other examples of nightshade family are potatoes, eggplants, peppers etc.  It is believed that intake of tomatoes and other nightshade fruits and vegetables by psoriasis affected persons could trigger psoriasis. The chemical compound solanine present in the nightshade plants could trigger severe pain in some people.

Avoid sugary cereals intake:

Granola and yoghurt could be amazing for many but not to those who have got psoriasis issue in them. It has been proved by the researchers that the sugars present in granola increase the inflammatory receptors in the body.

Avoid dairy products intake:

Majority of us consume dairy products like milk, eggs etc as they provide many nutrients for our health.  Persons with psoriasis issue should avoid intake of milk, eggs etc as these could increase the symptoms of psoriasis.

Avoid processed foods intake:

This is also one important point to note and intake of processed foods like sausage, bacon, chicken pot pie etc must be avoided. These foods would increase the amount of inflammation in psoriasis affected persons.

Avoid gluten foods intake:

Present in oats, rye, wheat, barley etc, gluten is a composite of storage proteins called prolamins and glutelins stored together with starch in the endosperm. It is known fact that people who are allergic to gluten usually avoid foods having gluten. These gluten rich foods must also be totally avoided by psoriasis affected persons too as intake of gluten foods would trigger the inflammation in them.

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