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These foods must be avoided when you are affected by urinary tract infection or UTI

Posted on: 27/Jul/2018 9:57:44 AM
It is known that urinary tract or urinary system consists of kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra and the main purpose of this urinary system is to remove urine. An infection that affects this urinary tract is termed as UTI or urinary tract infection. This UTI is one of the common infection that affect women more than men. Bacteria E.coli is responsible for this UTI. There are few symptoms of this UTI and they are nausea, burning sensation during urine, fatigue etc.

There are few foods that one must avoid during UTI.

Caffeine to be avoided:

It is essential to avoid caffeine intake during UTI because irritation of the urinary bladder, promoting symptoms of UTI results. It is said that consumption of water or cranberry juice would lessen the UTI infection.

Avoid alcohol:

Many consume alcohol these days. Irritation in stomach and bladder take place when alcohol is consumed. By the intake of alcohol this UTI increases more. Hence healthy beverages must be consumed.

Say no to citrus fruits:

This is also one important food that we must avoid during UTI. Citrus fruits such as grapefruits, limes, pineapples etc could irritate the urinary bladder. Inflammation of the bladder takes place also. The acid present in these fruits is responsible for the fast development of bacteria in the bladder.

Avoid oily and spicy foods:

The acid level in our body is increased by the oily foods intake. This increases the UTI infections more. Intake of nutritious foods would be superb.

Sugary foods to be avoided:

We all like sweets, cookies and soft drinks etc.  It must be noted that during UTI these sugary foods help feed the bacteria. The healing process of our UTI is slowed down and symptoms of UTI could worsen. So avoid these sweet foods.

Refined flour to be avoided:

White flour is used to prepare pasta, pizza, breads etc. These are not good for our health in general. During UTI these foods must be avoided totally.

No red meat:

Few examples of red meat are steaks, hamburgers, grilled meats etc. These foods must be avoided during UTI. These foods introduce acids to the body and help in the growth of the bacteria.

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