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To prevent cancer naturally follow these without fail

Posted on: 23/Apr/2018 10:55:05 AM
Would you believe this? In the year 2015 more than 8 million people all over the world died due to deadly cancer. Shocking isn`t it!!

It is said that 35 to 50 percent of the deaths due to cancer could be prevented by changing certain risk factors that cause cancer.

There are many types of cancers affecting us these days. Lung cancer, breast cancer, mouth cancer, cervix cancer etc are few common forms of cancers affecting us. It is important that we take enough precautions.

There are few foods that must be added to our diet so that cancer could be avoided. These are

Garlic consumption - Apart from being one of the major ingredients in cooking this garlic has got amazing medicinal benefits also. By consuming this garlic regularly our immune system gets stimulated as natural defences of our body against cancer is activated. The presence of sulphur compounds in garlic makes it essential to add this in our diets.

Intake of green leafy vegetables - Broccoli, spinach etc are important green leafy vegetables must be added to our diet. These have magnesium in them and this magnesium lowers the cancer risk in us.  

Flax seeds consumption - Consuming flax seeds is very important and helps in avoiding breast cancer in women. It could be taken either in grounded form or as oil. Flax seeds could be added to yogurt, smoothies, salad and foods etc and could be consumed. It is known that these flax seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and they create a protective shield against those cells that causes breast cancer in women.

It is worthy to mention here that physical fitness also plays great role in preventing cancers in us naturally. It is very important that regular exercises like walking, jogging, brisk walking etc must be done regularly so that cancer risk is cut by 35 to 40 percent.

Exposing oneself to sunlight is very important and by this exposure vitamin D increases in us and helps us in preventing cancer to develop and spread.

Regular medical checkups must be done so that cancer could be detected at the early stage itself and thereby successful treatment could be given easily.

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