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Milk recipes that will keep you warm during the rainy season

Posted on: 10/Jan/2017 12:34:17 PM
Milk is loaded with health benefits and contains nutrients like calcium, choline, potassium, Vitamin D, manganese, and more. We take a look at five milk combos which will keep you fit and healthy during Monsoon.
A little bit of turmeric added to lukewarm or hot milk and you’re ready to go. You may add sugar but not too much. Turmeric is known for its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is widely recognized as one of the healthiest spices out there.
Black Pepper is another spice which is rich in health benefits. It is known to provide relief from respiratory disorders, coughs, common cold, indigestion, constipation, and other problems. Not only this, it adds a lot of flavor and spice and makes a pretty good milk combo.
Honey milk is simply perfect to battle allergies, especially cold and sore throat. It boosts your memory, provides your body with energy, and also acts as an anti-biotic. Above everything else, honey milk is simply delicious.
Almonds are rich in fiber, protein, Vitamin E, manganese, magnesium, and other essential nutrients. They’re loaded with anti-oxidants and also protect your cell membranes from damage. They help in controlling blood pressure levels, cholesterol levels, and also boost your metabolism.
Chocolate milk also packs a number of benefits. Firstly, you are getting all the goodness of milk, and secondly, you, or your kids, won’t crib about finishing your glass of milk as chocolate milk is tastes like heaven. If you opt for dark chocolate, then the ‘healthiness’ of your chocolate milk combo will shoot up.

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