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IIT develops pain free dental filling

Posted on: 09/Jan/2016 4:34:34 PM
A dental filling to restore a damaged or decayed tooth can result in sensitivity or pain. This is caused by the shrinking of the fillings. Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT - M) have not come up with a dental filling that does not shrink and, therefore, results in a pain free treatment. 

The composite of the filling consists of organic resins and inorganic fillers. They are believed to be biologically safer than those that are currently available and used. According to a professor at a leading dental college in the city and one of the researchers, Conventional dental composites shrink by up to 5 percent. It not only leads to post-operative sensitivity or pain, but also causes gaps between the teeth and fillings... Several studies conducted on rats have shown that chemical substances leaching from the dental fillings can affect the endocrine system and target tissues of sex hormones besides causing other potentially toxic reactions... The formulation is unique and does not leach chemical substances that have endocrine disruptive ability. The research has a three-pronged approach - to curb post-operative sensitivity, shrinkage and improve biological safety.

The researchers at IIT say, Conventional materials, besides discharging certain chemicals, also emanate heat during polymerisation (a chemical process) that can harm the pulp tissue and cause post-treatment complications. The new composite releases 50 percent less heat keeping the pulp tissue safe... Formulation of the new composites were put through rigorous chemical tests including the one to find its clinical impact on patients having multiple composite restoration after consuming liquor. This was done to understand the stability of the composite network and the correlation of its leaching to biological safety.

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