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These reasons show why having pets in our houses is important

Posted on: 07/Jul/2018 10:12:19 AM
Many of us have pets in our houses these days and these pets are treated with great care and affection by the families. Dogs, cats, parrots etc are some of the pets found in the houses. It must be noted that pet is kept as a person’s company and not for working or livestock purposes etc. These pets give their owners both physical as well as emotional benefits are known.

Sometimes pets are also used in ‘Pet Therapy’ that refers to utilization of animals to achieve certain physical, cognitive goals etc with the patients  

There are many benefits of keeping pets in houses and these are

Reduces stress in us:

In this modern world we all have stress in various forms. The pets have calming effect on their owners. It is said that by being with the pets our mind shifts from stress causing factors. Symptoms of anxiety and depression in us could be lowered by stroking, playing with pets etc.

Keep us very active:

This is also one huge benefit of having pets in homes. Dogs are mostly kept as pets and these dogs would make us active by not allowing us to sit. People become more active by means of pet therapy.

Autistic kids get benefited:

The adults and autistic kids do not socialize more when compared to normal persons. Pet therapy could be highly beneficial for these as it could reduce the autistic symptoms. By being with the animals many kids get great relief.

Life expectancy gets increased:

Having pets in our homes is superb as these pets do many funny things and make us laugh. This would help in the release of happy hormones in us. This over a period of time increases the life expectancy.

Building of healthy routine:

Those having pet dogs in their homes have the habit of getting up early in the morning, taking their pet dogs for a walk etc. This would make the persons go to their bed early. This routine is very healthy.

Immune system gets improved also:

This might sound crazy but it is true. Pets spend their time outside and bring lots of germs into the homes. These additional germs could help in the immunity to cold etc. There are many studies that show that babies get fewer infections when they are with pet dogs.  

Pets could teach kids about responsibility:

Having pet in the homes could actually teach the kids about their responsibility. The kids would learn about the practical skills like cleaning the cage, grooming etc. Kids would also develop nurturing and empathy.

Increases our confidence:

Having pet at homes is fantastic and it could increase the self confidence of a person. Positive effect on our mental health is got by these pets.

Good for Heart health:

Heart health is benefited in those persons having pets. The pets make us active and this could indirectly benefit our heart health. Those having pets have got lower risk of having cardiovascular diseases in them. By reducing the stress in us plus by engaging us in physical activities these pets eliminatete the risk factors associated with heart disease.

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