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Tips to stay fit during pregnancy

Posted on: 06/Jan/2017 10:51:06 AM
Many women are re-examining the traditional boundaries of pregnancy and carving out their own fitness-minded paths in consultation with their doctors and midwives. Here are tips by fitness instructors that offer firsthand perspectives on embracing change, setting boundaries, and maintaining a strong sense of self, not to mention a strong core.

Lay the foundation for a solid exercise program before you’re expecting, if possible. Say the experts, Having a routine where your body craves a workout and your mind is set to exercise at certain times helps you stay on track. It is very hard to stay self-motivated when you are nauseous, tired, and feeling heavy, but being part of a gym or class will help you stay active and accountable.

The first trimester is smooth sailing for some, but riddled with morning sickness for others. Say the experts, Once you start your workout, you feel so much better. It gets rid of the nausea and the exhaustion, and your skin is glowing. You have so much more energy. By the second trimester, an increased blood supply also helps speed recovery. Within three days my symptoms were gone, and all of a sudden I felt like a million bucks again. Now I stick to my workout schedule more than I did pre-pregnancy. You have that extra drive and emotional connection to just be good to your body and to your baby.

The hormone relaxin’s purpose is to soften the connective tissue around the pelvis to prepare your body for labor and birth, but it affects all of your joints. Maintain an awareness of the edges of your body and to stay within those limits when you’re pregnant.

Aversions and cravings complicate the food aspect of wellness. An urge for bananas might mean a dip in potassium levels, or that a red meat hankering might signal low iron. Eating whole foods is a good goal, but it’s not a time to be overly restrictive, both for the baby’s palette and the mother’s peace of mind.

Learn what comprises the weight gain, uterus, placenta, amped-up breasts, and extra water. As long as you keep yourself active and have a healthy diet, most of that weight is not something that’s going to stick around for a while. It’s good to break it down and not stress so much.

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