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Diet and Exercise Tips to lose Post-pregnancy Weight gain

Posted on: 03/May/2018 12:48:16 PM
It has become a usual scenario for Women gaining weight after delivery of their little ones with lots of post-pregnancy complications and changed diet pattern. If the baby was delivered through C-section Surgical procedure there are lot of medicinal side effects and in normal circumstances also the lactating mother cannot follow any kind of diet model or regular intake of foods in relation with equal intervals of time. This leads to sudden weight gain increasing steadily to an over-weight zone.

Women tend to lose weight after coming into this over-weight category and especially after terminating the milk feeding for their babies. It is the ideal time in fact to start the diet and exercise for reducing the extra pounds gained during the pregnancy and delivery.

Here we list out some of the best workout and diet tips to lose weight in a healthy way during the times of post-pregnancy.


A well-balanced diet with enough fruits, vegetables, Good fat and lean proteins will re-arrange the muscle alignment that is deformed and stressed during the delivery or C-Section. The natural foods will start the process of detoxification in the body eliminating the wastes and extra fat and acts as an escalating agent for exercise.

Healing capacity is a vital process for the body to cure itself the damages occurred during the delivery and pregnancy. It is a common fact that Women’s body experience a kind of extreme stress and changeover during the pregnancy and child birth. So consuming right amounts of Vitamin C rich foods and healthy sources of Omega Fatty Acids will heal the internal wounds and boosts the overall immune system.

There are various natural herbs and Ayurveda medicines like Musta, Shatavari, Pulilehiyam etc., that wipes out the unwanted infections in Women and even increase lactation capacity after the delivery.

Work-out Tips

Pelvic floor Kegel Exercises: This kind of workouts will increase the pelvic bone strength and nourishment that was very much stressed during the child birth. Start in a very mild and less repetitive way and then gradually increase the counts and intensity with growing flexibility.

Joint Exercise: The bone density plays a main role in having a healthy motherhood times where a woman require lots of physical stamina to handle a baby. So circulatory motions of each and every joints starting from the neck to hands, Shoulder, Hip, Knee and Ankle joints will release the tension in those areas aiding for good bone strength. It will also trigger the lymphatic system in our body to heal and cure all forms of disorientations caused during the delivery of the baby.

Stretching: Stretching exercises will help our body to achieve maximum blood circulation all over the body to ease out the pain caused after delivery. Stretching exercises should be done with the help of your personal partner or a trainer so that a uniform balance will be obtained in your overall posture leading to increased stamina.

Aerobics: Any kind of mild aerobics like brisk walking, Zumba exercises and Yoga can strengthen the immune system of your body to regain the old body.

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