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Do you know these surprising daily things that can increase your blood sugar levels rapidly?

Posted on: 17/Nov/2022 5:20:36 PM
People from every nook and corner of the world get affected by diabetes or high blood sugar levels and this issue has become one of the important health concerns now. It is necessary that persons with high blood sugar levels must take immediate action or else it could lead to some serious health issues later. It is noteworthy that we would be able to know the reasons for the increase in the blood sugar levels by knowing the foods, drinks or habits that could cause the insulin to rise.

Some surprising daily things that can actually make our blood sugar levels to shoot up are

Exposure to sun:
Not many of us would be aware of the fact that prolonged exposure to sunlight could increase the blood sugar levels in us. The sunlight could lead to sunburns and this could further lead to pain and stress etc. This stress could make the blood sugar levels shoot up abnormally.

Coffee consumption:
We all love to drink coffee that is rich in caffeine content. Truth is that in some persons caffeine could lead to increase in the blood sugar levels as their blood sugar levels are extra sensitive to caffeine. A person must avoid coffee intake if he or she has a higher risk of high blood sugar levels.

Insufficient sleep:
For our mental as well for the physical health, sound sleep is a must. It is necessary that we must sleep for 6 hours atleast in the night.Poor sleep might lead to rise in the blood sugar levels.

Not eating breakfast:
Many of us have the habit of skipping our breakfast. It is a fact that by not eating breakfast there are more chances of increase in the blood sugar levels. Even while in the weight loss process, a person must not skip breakfast.

Dawn phenomenon:
This is also one unusual thing that can spike the blood sugar levels in us. It refers to an early morning (that is between  2am and 8am) increase in the blood sugar levels .Whether the person has got diabetes or not, but the surge in their hormones could also be a cause for a spike in the blood sugar levels in the early mornings.

Gum disease:
It has been shown by research that gum disease could also be a factor for increase in the blood sugar levels of a person. The study has been published in JADA or Journal of American dental Association.

It is possible to get an increase in the blood sugar levels if we do not drink enough water. Hyperglycemia could be due to dehydration also.

Artrtificial sweeteners:
Those with diabetes must refrain from consuming artificial sweeteners as it could lead to the spike in their blood sugar levels.

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