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Healthy Diet Tips for People Surviving with HIV!

Posted on: 02/Dec/2014 5:05:15 PM
If you are a person affected with the Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus (HIV), you want to pay distinctive attention to your diet to maintain your immune system powerful and healthy. When your immune system is strong, you will be capable to battle the disease better and perhaps thwart the development of HIV.

Even though there is no certain HIV diet, good nourishment can have many health benefits for people living with the illness regardless of receiving essential medical treatments.

Here are some of the essential food diet tips from a registered dietician or health experts for people with HIV:  

Incorporate stacks of fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your daily diet plan.

Select lean proteins including chicken, fish, beans, legumes and low-fat dairy products. To acquire extra protein, feast nut butter on toast, fruits or vegetables.

Prefer for healthier fats such as olive oils and nuts whereas skipping Trans fats completely.

Dodge alcohol and drugs, as these are perilous for people with HIV as they can dwindle the immune system.

Threshold the ingestion of sugar, sweets and saturated fats.
  • Drink enough of water than usual. Your body wants abundant fluids to haulage the nutrients all through your body. Also, ample water in your body will aid shun dehydration and also lessen the side effects of medications.
  • Conversely, research confirms that mixed results concerning specific vitamin and mineral supplementation.
  • Vitamin A supplementation has been seem to lessen mortality and sickness rates among children suffering from the HIV disease. Young children aging from 6 to 59 months old who are at high menace of vitamin A deficiency have been suggested vitamin A supplements by the World Health Organization (WHO) in every 4 to 6 months.
  • On top of the above findings, a pilot experiment from Tanzania revealed that the utilization of vitamin A supplements elevate the peril of mother-to-child transmission by about 40 percent.
  • Consequently, further research is needed to locate out the tie amid supplements and HIV/AIDS and to augment the quality of life for people living with the disease.

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