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Are you aware of these health conditions that can also lead to flu-like symptoms?

Posted on: 11/Oct/2022 5:41:19 PM
How will you react if you are told that the flu symptoms you have is actually not due to flu infection but due to something else? Shocked and surprised right!!

There are several symptoms associated with flu infection like sore throat, runny nose, cough, fatigue etc. Truth is that having these symptoms does not actually mean that the person has got a flu infection.  Since 2020, Coronavirus infection has spread to every nook and corner of the globe and the above said symptoms also belong to this infection.It is absolutely true that many of us actually have lots of confusion regarding whether the fever is due to Covid-19 or due to flu.

When a person has these below mentioned health conditions, then he or she would show flu-like symptoms.

Common cold:
Even before Covid-19 came into existence, the common cold was present is a well known fact. Persons who have this issue would have symptoms like fatigue, sneeze, cough, sore throat etc. The symptoms here are milder when compared to that of other infections.

The tubes that carry air to lungs of a person sometimes become inflamed or swollen, then the person is said to have bronchitis. These persons would have a nagging cough with mucus, sore throat and lethargy. Two types of bronchitis are acute bronchitis and chronic bronchitis.

Respiratory Syncytial Virus or RSV:
When a person has this RSV issue then he or she would show flu-like symptoms. It is noteworthy that RSV is a common respiratory virus that would lead to mild cold-like symptoms, The person would recover from RSV in a week or two weeks. Most common symptoms of RSV are decrease in appetite, runny nose, fever, cough, sneeze etc.

Membranes known as meninges protect our spinal cord and brain. When the membranes become inflamed, then the condition is called meningitis. Several common symptoms of meningitis are headache, fever and fatigue etc. Meningitis is confused with flu most of the time. Not many would know that meningitis can also be due to cancer, injuries, intake of certain drugs etc.

When compared to the flu infection, pneumonia is a more serious issue. It is worthy to note that the issue could lead to symptoms that initially would seem like less worrying condition. Inflammation of air sacs in one or both lungs due to infection would lead to pneumonia. Those with pneumonia would show symptoms like cough, fever, chills, fatigue just like the symptoms of flu.

It is believed that HIV or Human Immunodeficiency virus is a virus that wouldld attack the immune system of the body. This HIC could also result in flu like symptoms and these symptoms would last for 2 to 4 weeks after the infection.

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