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Reasons why consuming dandelion tea is important for us

Posted on: 26/Nov/2019 6:17:44 PM
In many gardens we would have seen a weed plant growing having yellow flowers. This is dandelion and it is also known by the scientific name taraxacum officinale.  It must be noted that the leaves of this weed plant look like lion`s teeth.

Various nutrients present in dandelion are vitamin A, C, D, minerals like iron, magnesium, zinc etc. This dandelion has been used in medicine for its ability to treat many health issues. Dandelion tea is made by drying the roots and leaves and this tea when consumed would provide us many health benefits.

Various health benefits that we could get by the intake of dandelion tea are

Cholesterol gets reduced:
There are bioactive compounds present in dandelion tea and these compounds could reduce the bad cholesterol as well as triglycerides levels in us. The important information is by consuming dandelion tea the risk of getting affected by heart diseases is lowered.

Reduces liver damage:
Liver is an important organ inside us and any damage to the liver could be dangerous. It is said that intake of this tea could detoxify the liver and finally liver disease is avoided in us. For the liver to function well, the polysaccharides in dandelion root plays an important role.

Inflammation is prevented:
By consuming dandelion tea, we could be free from inflammatory related diseases. It is believed that the presence of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties in dandelion does superbly here. The truth is drinking dandelion tea could prevent the onset of inflammation of any type.

Cancer is avoided:
The important information here is dandelion root has got anti-cancerous properties and when this tea is consumed then cell death is induced in the melanoma cells without causing any issue to the non-cancerous cells. Pancreatic cancer could be prevented in us by the intake of dandelion tea.

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