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Are you aware of these superb benefits of betel leaves?

Posted on: 14/Oct/2019 10:42:52 AM
Betel leaves have found an important place in our culture. It is known that these leaves are used in ritual, poojas plus they are also eaten by many. Important information is betel leaves are consumed mostly in India and in Asia as paan.

It is superb to note that betel leaves are rich in ingredients like vitamin c, thiamine, niacin plus others like riboflavin, calcium, etc. They belong to the family named ‘Piperaceae’ and genus named ‘piper’.

Some important health benefits of betel leaves are

Regulation of blood sugar levels:

It is believed that the presence of certain compounds in the betel leaves would play a huge role in the regulation of our blood sugar levels.

Good for weight loss:

Don’t be surprised to know that chewing betel leaves could result in weight loss. It must be noted that the body fat gets reduced as the metabolism gets boosted by chewing betel leaves.

Relief from pain:

This is also one important health advantage we could get from betel leaves. It is a superb analgesic and could be used to lessen the pain due to injuries, bruises, cuts, etc.

Constipation is eased:

The issue of constipation is present in many of us and it is revealed that betel leaves have many antioxidants and them clear free radicals from the body. Point is it restores normal Ph levels and treats stomach upset.

Good for digestion:

Most of us have heard from our parents and grandparents that betel leaves are good for digestion issues. It is said that the carminative, intestinal and anti-flatulent properties plus properties for protection of gut would make betel leaves very important for digestion.

Treats respiratory issues in us:

It must be noted that issues related to cold and cough get treated by betel leaves. People who have issues like chest, lung congestion, asthma etc gets cured by betel leaves.

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