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Do you know about these reasons for unexplained weight loss in us?

Posted on: 15/Oct/2018 10:09:28 AM
There are people who are overweight and they try many things and put huge effort to lose their weights is known. Sometimes in our lives we lose our weights without any effort due to some unknown reasons too. The loss of weight without any effort could due to an underlying health condition also.  We must not take these very lightly and these must be considered seriously by us. It is worthy to note that losing more than 5 percent of weight without any effort inside one year is not normal and doctor must be consulted.

These are the various reasons for unexplained loss in weight in us.


This is one important cause that could result in unexplained weight loss in us. It is a condition in which thyroid glands present in us produce excess of thyroid hormone. Overactive thyroid gland could make a person lose his/her weight and that inspite having good appetite. Other symptoms that would be noticed are intolerance to heat, irregular heart rate, sleeping trouble etc. Excess intake of iodine or iodine tablets could lead to hyperthyroidism in us.

Muscle loss:

Not many would associate muscle loss with unexplained weight loss but it is a fact that muscle loss could lead to unexplained weight loss. Muscle loss is also known as muscle wasting. It is known that our body is made up of fat mass or fat free mass of muscle, bone, water etc. So when a muscle is lost we could lose our weight. Those who do not do any exercise, bedridden etc face this muscle loss issue in them and end up losing their weights also.

Rheumatoid arthritis:

These days we come across people having this issue in them. This rheumatoid arthritis is an auto immune disorder affecting the joints in us. Various factors such as smoking, obesity, hormonal changes etc contribute to rheumatoid arthritis. It is revealed that chronic inflammation could increase metabolism and finally reduce weights in us.

Type-1 diabetes:

It is known that type-1 diabetes is a form of diabetes mellitus and here no insulin is produced by the pancreas. The immune system attacks cells in pancreas that make insulin. Our body can’t use glucose for energy without insulin. This results in high blood pressure in us. Unused glucose is eliminated through urine by the kidneys. Calories are also eliminated along with the sugar from our body and unexplained weight loss takes place.


Depression could also lead to weight loss in us. It must be noted that the depression affects the same part of our brain that controls our appetite. There are also possibilities of depression causing increase in body weights. People with depression must be handled with great care.

IBD or inflammatory bowel disease:

It is known that IBD or inflammatory bowel disease is a group of inflammatory conditions of colon and small intestine. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are 2 types of this IBD. It is found that IBD disrupts ghrelin or hunger hormone and also it disrupts leptin or satiety hormone. This results in reduced appetite and weight loss.

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