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These are the home remedies for treating body ache in us

Posted on: 11/Jun/2018 7:29:53 PM
Body ache is one common issue we all would have experienced in our lives. For those who go to their work every day this body ache arises due to long hours in the traffic plus long hours at the office. Those who stay at homes like housewives or elderly adults etc get this body pain issue due to many reasons.

There are few home based remedies that could treat this body ache issue in us.

Ginger intake - This ginger has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties in it and these help in getting rid of body aches. The phyto chemistry property in it provides many health promoting benefits for us. Take some slices of ginger and add one cup of water and a table spoon of honey. Then boil these contents. Strain the water and consume it.

Cinnamon consumption - This is also a superb home based remedy to treat body ache present in us. The presence of anti-inflammatory plus healing plus analgesic properties in it makes it highly efficient. In the first step take a glass of warm water and add cinnamon powder to it. Mix it well and add one table spoon of honey to it. By drinking this body pain is reduced.

Intake of bananas - Bananas are rich in potassium is known. Deficiency of this potassium could lead to body pain in us. So by taking 2 or 3 bananas every day we could put an end to the body pain.

Epsom salt - When it comes to muscle relaxation Epsom salt is remarkable. Instant relief from sore muscles and body aches are got by the intake of Epsom salt that has got high amounts of magnesium in it. Magnesium has got superb anti-inflammatory properties in it. To a bathtub full of water a cup of Epsom salt is added. Then our body is soaked in it for a period of 20 minutes. Instant relief from muscle pain, cramps is got.

Apple cider vinegar intake - It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that could treat body ache successfully. To a glass of warm water add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Mix it well and add honey and then it could be consumed.

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