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Try these lifestyle changes to reduce or to avoid migraines

Posted on: 07/Jul/2021 8:45:23 AM
One common issue most of us get is migraine and it could be due to various factors like diet, sleep cycle, unhealthy lifestyle practices etc.

It is referred to as the primary headache disorder and is characterised by recurrent headaches ranging from moderate to severe. Truth is that migraines wreck havoc in our lives. Various symptoms of migraines are vomiting, nausea, light sensitivity etc. It is believed that living a healthy lifestyle could keep migraines away.

By these lifestyle changes, we could either avoid or atleast reduce the frequency of migraines in us. These are

By establishing a healthy sleep routine:
For the brain to function well, it is essential that we must sleep for 6 to 7 hours at night. By good and sound sleep our immunity levels would increase. Those who are sleep deprived could get migraines more easily than others.

By eating meals regularly without skipping:
Many of us skip meals for the sake of losing weight or for not having enough time etc. This could lead to migraines in us. For the optimal function of the body essential nutrients are needed and when the body is deprived of meals then it cannot get the essential nutrients. It is true that long periods of fasting could lead to migraines etc.

By meditating to avoid stress:
Stress has become part and parcel of our lives. This stress could lead to migraines in us. It is important that we must do meditation etc to keep stress at bay.

By avoiding alcohol/smoking:
Both smoking as well as drinking alcohol could lead to migraines in us. In addition to migraines, these can also lead to other serious health issues in us. These bad habits could lower the immunity in us easily. Please be careful.

By reducing the time spent on gadgets:
We could get issues like exhaustion, lack of circulation plus migraines, eye issues etc if we spend long hours before TV, computer, mobile phones etc.  So, limit the time spent before these gadgets.

By regulating intake of caffeine:
This might also be a reason for the migraines. It is said that by limiting the consumption of caffeine we could be free from migraines. So, take care.

By exercising:
It has been proved that doing exercises regularly would reduce the symptoms of migraines to a huge extent. Therefore, it is essential that we must incorporate aerobic, strengthening and flexibility exercises in our daily routine.

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