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Sensational decision by the State Government: New online service for checking marriage / birth certificates!

Posted on: 16/Oct/2020 8:39:03 AM
A new service has been facilitated online for checking the marriage. birth certificated and other similar documents.

A notification released by the State Government of Tamil Nadu in this regard mentions:

Using the new website created by the Indian Central Ministry of External Affairs, now Indian Citizens and the Indian residents living abroad  can easily and simply apply for obtaining their  marriage/birth certificates.

Further, for the Registration Department also to join this online platform to perform their functions, approval has been obtained from the State Government of Tamil Nadu and a website has been created.

Especially for the Indians leaving abroad for higher education, job opportunities, and the Indian residents abroad, and the marriage/birth certificates issued by the district registrars, and related officials, in order to verify the same, they can avoid the necessity to make a direct visit to the office and paperless and money-transaction-less procedure!

On the citizens’ certificates, the verification attestation can be obtained through this electronic mode. This facility has been pressed into service from 12th September.

Further, the citizens can access the related information from the website: www.eSanad.nic.in.

The public/all citizens are requested through this notification to adapt this procedure from henceforth quite easily and quickly and avoiding wastage of time, travel and money!”

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