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Tamil Nadu Chief Minister: No permission for 3-language syllabus!!

Posted on: 03/Aug/2020 4:01:11 PM
The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, E. Palaniswamy, has announced that there is no permission to implement the ‘3-language’ syllabus proposed by the New Education Policy (NEP).

In a notification released by the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu today (Monday, 5th August), it is mentioned:

“The people of Tamil Nadu have been steadfast following the 2-language system over the last 50 Years!

At various times, as necessitated, the people from various Tamil Nadu districts have protested on any other system with strong adherence to the present 2-language system and vehement opposition to other proposals!

As per the 1963 Official Languages Act, Section-3, it has been categorically and clearly mentioned that the communication between the central government and the state governments which have not chosen Hindi as an official language MUST ONLY BE IN ENGLISH!

Nevertheless, during the year 1965, the ruling Congress government initiated action on introducing Hindi as an official language. Vehemently protesting against this, the people and the students of Tamil Nadu indulged in several widespread strong protests!

As the anxiety about the 3-language system persisted among the Tamil Nadu citizens, the then Chief Minister of Tami Nadu, Perarihgnar Annadurai passed a proposal on 23rd January 1968 passed a resolution to follow only the 2- language system of Tamil & English, removing the issue of Hindi altogether with a categorical and clear cut HISTORIC decision: ‘This Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly decides that the 3-language system is being removed in all the schools in Tamil Nadu!’ Subsequently, Hindi was removed from the syllabus in Tamil Nadu.

Subsequently, it was the strongly-established policy of the later Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M G Ramachandran to strictly adhere to the 2-language system implemented by former Chief Minister Annadurai. Accordingly, when M G Ramachandran was the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, he passed a resolution in the Legislative Assembly on 13th November 1986 re-emphasizing the prevailing 2-language system practiced in Tamil Nadu State.

Later, the former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, Pruratchi Thalaivi Doctor Jayalalithaa, popularly known as ‘Amma’, strongly reconfirmed the 2-language policy with the announcement that the people of Tamil Nadu stands united and strongly opposing any initiative to impose  Hindi in non-Hindi states. Any such efforts will be categorically thwarted! Further, ‘Amma’ emphasized that Tamil must be declared as an official language in India and Tamil should be implemented as the official language for communication in the Chennai High Court.

As mentioned above, both the former AIADMK Chief Ministers Dr. MGR and Dr. Jayalalithaa have catategorically opposed the imposition of Hindi.

Thus, the present state government of Tamil Nadu, carrying the legacy of the above former 2 Chief Ministers had immediately pointed out when the draft of the New Education Policy was released and had opposed it strongly protesting against it.

Further, as the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, I wrote a letter to the Prime Minister on 26th June itself emphasizing that the state government has categorically committed to the 2-language system. I have categorically stood by this even during my previous Independence Day address, and during the various discussions in the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly.

Though the recently released New Education Policy (NEP) proposes the 3-language formula, I personally and categorically declare that this Amma Government will never allow the imposition of a 3-language formula in Tamil Nadu and the present 2-language system will continue to be strongly persisted with.

An outstanding majority of the Tamil people and the various political parties in Tamil Nadu including AIADMK strongly stand by the 2-language formula. In this situation, the recent central government release proposes the 3-language system which is a matter for strong regret and a great disappointment for the people of Tamil Nadu.

Hereby, I request the Prime Minister to give due consideration to the stand taken by the people of Tamil Nadu and thereby review the proposed 3-language formula and allow the respective state government to follow their own decision on this issue.

When there is a hardship/obstacle faced by the people of Tamil Nadu, the present Honourable Amma’s Government would immediate necessary action to deal with the relevant hardship and remove the same.”

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