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In 12 colleges in Chennai there would be anti human trafficking or AHT clubs

Posted on: 08/Dec/2018 10:23:55 AM
Many youngsters do not know about human trafficking which is a serious problem in India. It refers to the trade of human beings for forced labour, commercial sexual exploitation for others or traffickers and sexual slavery etc.

Anti-Human Trafficking Club or AHT was established by retired police officer Mr. P.M. Nair is known. The latest news is as many as 12 colleges in Chennai city would have this AHT club to elevate human trafficking problems to public discourse and to combat such violations. Mr. Nair spoke about how believing the power of the youth was the motivation. He then explained about how these day’s illicit activities like organ trade, child pornography and prostitution has become electronic. He cited an example saying how in the past the location of brothel was known but how these days it is very difficult to know even when it is present next door.

It must be taken into account that such AHT clubs are present in Kerala, Karnataka, Meerut and in some IIT’s too. Mr. Nair hinted that a model similar to these clubs has been implemented in the state in a well organised manner. By this awareness and social responsibility would be achieved.

On 10th of December, International Human Rights Day would be celebrated and to commemorate the 70th International Human Rights Day, the launch of the AHT took place in the famous Madras School of Social Work or MSSW in Chennai. It is superb to mention that the SHRC or State Human Rights Commission lead the initiative along with Madras School of Social Work and International Justice Mission or IJM. One important piece of information is the partnership with IJM started as they were invited to conduct a certificate course along with the MSSW titled ‘Human Rights and Human Trafficking’.
According to Mr. Solomon, a social worker from IJM or International Justice Mission, for any change to take place awareness is very important. The clubs would be making their presence felt by educating the youngsters. He hinted that AHT in colleges would have police personnel from local anti-human trafficking unit and the purpose would be to mentor the kids regarding the trends in trafficking. The planning out activities would be taken cared by the professor of the college and NGO or non-governmental organisation would be providing guidance to the students. Mr. Solomon finally explained about how women are the most targeted group among traffickers due to their vulnerability and how the AHT club would be made aware of this.

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