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The magic for Healthy, Shiny, Fluffy hair

Posted on: 01/Mar/2016 10:51:48 AM
Most of us would not have forgotten our grandma`s special Champi or Maalish. As the westernized world has eventually aborted this practice, it is imperative to know all its health benefits, especially in the long run. Regular oiling will fight fungal and dandruff and fights greying of hair, and there are a number of other health benefits as well!
Helps prevent pre-mature greying
Regular oiling of hair will largely prevent pre-mature greying. In addition, it also keeps it nourished and upkeeps its strength and health.
Keep pollution at bay
It protects hair from the polluted air and atmosphere around us. It is very easy for us to get our face washed very often as and when we require. But it is not so with hair. This being the scenario, it is best to use oil as it largely protects the layer of your hair and keeps all the environmental attacks like dirt, dust, pollution, UV rays, etc.
Keeps hydrated and moisturized
Though we have hair spa available at parlors to keep your hair free from dryness and keep it supple, you have an easier option with oiling your hair. This is a great coolant and keeps your hair from harsh heat. In case of extreme dryness of hair, apply oil to your hair. Take a fresh towel and dip in hot water and wrap it covering your head. This will ensure that the oil penetrates well into the scalp.
Smoothness ensured
To keep your hair smooth and shining, make it a practice to apply hair every single day or at least regularly. This will naturally keep it smooth and increases blood circulation in your scalp which in turn will repair damaged hair. This will give it an instant shine and smoothness to your hair.

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