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Be careful about these daily activities that can worsen your dry eye problem?

Posted on: 05/Sep/2022 6:07:44 PM
Tears are very important for any person and it helps in keeping the eyes moist and in good health.

Sometimes, in some persons, their eyes would not be able to produce enough tears and as a result their eyes would become very dry. This dry eyes issue would be highly uncomfortable for these persons. Dry eye condition can be both acute as well as chronic in nature. Those persons who have chronic dry eyes condition would have itchy and watery eyes. 

There are several reasons for reduced tear production such as aging, allergic eye disease, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disorders, vitamin A deficiency etc. The bitter fact is that there is no permanent cure for dry eye condition but we could take certain preventive measures to prevent the eyes from becoming dry.

Certain daily activities mentioned below might make the dry eyes issue worsen. So, please be careful.

Making direct air from a/c or fan gush into eyes:
Many of us would have the habit of standing before an air-conditioner or fan etc and this would lead to dry eyes condition to worsen. It is true that any form of dry air gushing or coming out of a/c or fan etc directly over the eyes could make the eyes dry. We must take proper care and not allow direct blow of dry air into the eyes.

Making air from blow dryer gush on the eyes:
The dry eyes condition in a person could become worse when he or she allows dry air from the blow dryer to fall on the eyes. Truth is that hot air released from the blow dryer could make the eyes dry and pull away the moisture.

Exposing eyes to extreme temperatures:
Exposing the eyes to extreme temperatures would worsen the dry eyes condition of a person. The moisture that is present in the eyes would evaporate when the eyes get exposed to too much heat or too much cold.

Less blinking:
Not many would be aware of the fact that by blinking less we could make the dry eye condition worsen. Many these days use computers, mobile phones, laptops etc and they blink less. This reduced blinking could lead to dry eyes. 

Smoke could be an irritant for the eyes and could lead to dry eyes condition to worsen. So, quitting smoking could help us to avoid dry eye condition plus several health issues etc. 

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