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Our teeth could become sensitive in the winter seasons due to these important reasons, take care!!

Posted on: 10/Dec/2021 9:24:38 AM
In the mouth of humans and vertebrates is present a hard calcified structure known as teeth. The main purpose of teeth is to break down the food for digestion.  In the winter seasons especially, our teeth would become highly sensitive.

It must be noted that in the winter season the climate would be notorious and at this time of the year many consume hot items and sweets etc. Hence, enough care must be taken to maintain teeth in good health.

In the winters, our teeth could become more sensitive due to these reasons. They are

Enamel contraction:
It is worthy to mention here that in the summer season our teeth would expand and in the winters the teeth would contract. The outer layers of teeth that are enamel contract in the winter season resulting in cracks and exposing to dentine etc. By this, teeth could become more sensitive in winters.

Festive seasons:
When it is winter, then it is the time for important festivals like diwali, dussehra and Christmas etc. These festivals are mostly celebrated by eating sweets, taking part in parties, irregular sleep patterns etc. These would affect the oral health leading to teeth sensitivity.

Seasonal flu:
This could also be a reason for our teeth sensitivity in the winter season. It must be taken into note that pain and sensitivity in the teeth could be due to flu, cold and sinus infection etc. It is believed that when sinus gets infected due to nasal congestion or infection etc then this would put pressure on the dental nerves leading to teeth sensitivity.

Being lazy:
Our dental health regime could get affected in the winter season as we would be lazy. This could lead to teeth becoming more sensitive.

Aggressive brushing:
Not many know that aggressive brushing of teeth could lead to tooth sensitivity during the winter season. Truth is that after eating more sugary items in winters we brush our teeth hard and this could wear away the enamel and expose the sensitive dentin beneath.

Home whitening treatments:
For attending festivals, parties etc in the winter season, we would use certain home whitening solutions to make the teeth appear white in color. It is true that the whitening solutions would have harsh chemicals and they would remove enamel from the teeth leading to teeth sensitivity.

Low levels of vitamin D:
It is well known that vitamin D would make our teeth strong and healthy and the primary source of this s vitamin is the sun. In the winter season, there might not be enough sunlight and we spend most of our time indoors. Our teeth would get affected by reduced levels of vitamin D resulting in sensitivity. 

Ways to overcome the issue of teeth sensitivity in winters:
One way is by wearing masks or covering the mouth with a scarf etc. This would protect the teeth. Second way is by not consuming drinks that are too hot. Wearing a mouth guard while going outdoors could also be useful. By visiting a dentist for rectifying issues like cracks and broken fillings etc before winter would be good. 

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