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Iron deficiency vs hair loss. All you need to know

Posted on: 25/Nov/2018 10:37:18 AM
On a daily basis, we are experiencing hair fall of the range 50 to 100 strands. This is a very normal part of our life. But when this gets interrupted, it may cause excessive hair fall, thus leaving receding hairline, partial or complete baldness.

We try our best with high end shampoos, serums, hair masks, etc. We try every way possible, but do we remember one important factor? Your hair fall is mainly reliant not just on what you actually consume but also majorly on what you don’t consume.

For non-vegetarians, meat is a rich source of iron. In case of vegetarian, their diet might not be enough to fight hair loss. So, if you are a vegetarian following a vegan diet, it is likely that your body is not getting its essential nutrients to be healthy enough to combat such hair loss and similar situations. There are many more reasons for hair loss of which iron deficiency is a major cause to be always remembered.

In addition to genetic reasons being the cause of hair loss, insufficient iron intake is largely responsible for hair loss.

In a 40-year long research, it is identified that your hair loss is largely caused by insufficient iron intake apart from genetic reasons.

The author of the study Leonid Benjamin Trost says that treating iron deficiency in patients who have or don’t have anemia will show huge difference in results during hair loss treatment.

What level of iron does your body need?

As per sources from the US Department of Health, National Institutes of Health, on a daily basis, women should consume about 18mg of iron. And for men, the count is 8 mg.

Source of iron

There are several food sources that are rich in iron. In addition to meat, both poultry and seafood contain a lot of heme and non-heme iron. In case of vegetarian iron sources, there is only non-heme iron. Soybeans, tofu, grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, etc. are a few of the vegetarian iron sources.

For better absorption of iron, vegetarians can consume citrus fruits in addition to their iron intake.

In case you are planning for iron supplement consumption, it is recommended that you check with a doctor before decide on it.

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