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These are the various benefits of using amla for our skin

Posted on: 25/May/2018 9:41:37 AM
Amla belongs to the family named ’Phyllanthaceae’ is known. This amla is also called by names like Indian gooseberry, Malacca tree, emblic myrobalan etc.

Rich in nutrients, vitamin A and vitamin C, this amla is regarded as ayurvedic gem because of its superb medicinal properties. Amla could be used tropically on the face easily.

These are the various beauty benefits of amla for skin.

Good complexion is got - By using amla, dead cells are remove and new cells starts to appear. It is worthy to mention here that the astringent plus antibacterial properties of amla make it to act as exfoliator.

Damaged tissues gets repaired - It is known that amla has healing properties like antioxidants and vitamin C and these speeds up the repairing process of the tissues that are damaged.

Pigmentation is reduced - This is one superb benefit of amla application on the skin. The presence of vitamin C in amla plays a huge role in this. The skin gets brightened as pigmentation is reduced.

In treating acne and pimples - Amla has got high vitamin c content in it and this helps to fight against the bacteria that cause pimples on the face and skin. Topical application or intake of juice is superb and effective.

Good skin tightener - It is natural that we all age and our skin loses its elasticity and become sagged. By applying amla this problem could be solved as the vitamin A and C in amla increases the collagen production. As a result our skin gets tightened and toned.

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