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7 foods to keep your body cool this summer

Posted on: 20/Mar/2017 12:51:27 PM
Take a look at seven foods that you can refrigerate and keep cool and beat the heat this summer.
Amla is a most widely used incredible summer fruit. This is preferred mostly in its juice form. It also helps in achieving glowing skin during summer. Amla has got high levels of vitamin C. It helps in keeping all health disorders, heatstroke and dehydration at bay.
As we know, watermelon contains 91 percent of water. The calorie content in one cup of watermelon is just 50. You may use the fruit as a snack when your taste buds demand for something crunch, or toss some of the fruit slices onto the salad for dinner. Well, the utmost need for watermelon is to keep your body well hydrated.
Whatever is your curd preference is: you perhaps like it frozen or with some fruits or flavored ones, regardless of any of these, you can never avoid curd during summer. It keeps your body chill and cool. This is definitely a summer treat.
Corncobs are highly rich in antioxidants. It prevents your skin from harmful sunrays. You may also protect your skin from age-related issues by eating corn.
Mint leaves are versatile. You may add it to water and quench thirst as flavored water. Grind a tasty chutney and use as a dip for crispy dosa or others, make a juice out of fresh mint leaves and keep your skin soothing and infection free. It helps in cooling down the throat and clears infection. And you know what? It is an elixir that keeps all your summer-relates problems at bay
Coconut water:
How could you forget coconut water? This is a naturally available pleasant drink that will keep your body very well hydrated. It has excellent content of electrolytes required by your body cells. All essential nutrients for diabetics are contained intact in coconut water and it helps in controlling blood sugar.
Cucumber has whooping 96 percent water content, truly. Your everyday need for drinking water can best be matched with cucumber. You may love having a sandwich during those boring evening times. Place a few slices of these green wonders and munch on them to keep your body hydrated and cooled down.
Well, an air-conditioner or ice cream can make you feel cooled down during summer, but these naturally available fruits and veggies are god’s own treat to us. Never miss them. 

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