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Quick Advices - Treating Fever in Babies!

Posted on: 21/Nov/2014 5:22:43 PM
Being a parent is menacing, particularly if you are the one who is neoteric to this tricky role. And yes, it`s heart-shredding to see your little babies in any sort of distress.

High temperatures have been one such common issues that is spotted in many infants triggering fear and confusion among parents. But there is no need to fear even if your baby has temperatures as most fevers are innocuous and triggered by a minor infection.

Here are some quick advices or tips to treat when your infant has a fever:
  • If your baby is below 3 months old, and has temperature of about 100.4 F and above, consult the doctor even if the child seems comfortable  and active and does not have any other fever signs and symptoms.
  • Before treating your child with medicines it is always better to consult the doctor.
  • Feed your baby with plenty of fluids.
  • Do not let your child to consume too much fruit or apple juice (always mix them with one half volume of water).
  • For children, between 3-6 months of age; if the temperature reaches 102 F and above, medication is not needed unless your baby fosters some sort of scarce behaviour.
  • Try presenting your baby a lukewarm bath or sponge bath as it may aid cool the fever. But, certainly not give your baby cold or ice baths as these may exacerbate the condition.
  • For babies under 6 months, doctors suggest giving ‘acetaminophen’. However, if the child is of above 6 months or older, either acetaminophen or ibuprofen is often suggested by the doctors.
  • It is not advisable to give aspirin to your child if he or she is below than 18 years of age.
  • Urge your child to possess some sound sleep.
  • Take your child to the doctor if your child has fevers that come on and off for a week though the temperature is not that much high.

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