Kumari Palany & Co

These reasons for heart failure must be given importance

Posted on: 08/Dec/2019 8:09:15 PM
For our body’s requirements, it is important that heart must pump enough blood.

Sometimes, the heart would not be able to pump enough blood and this leads to what is known as heart failure in us. It is important to mention that heart diseases are one of the leading causes for death in this world.

There are some symptoms that are associated with this heart failure. These are excessive tiredness, shortness of breath, leg swelling etc. The truth is the shortness of breath worsens with exercise or while lying down. There are some studies that have revealed how by proper maintaining of oral hygiene a person would be able to reduce the risk of getting affected by heart diseases. It is worth mentioning that some persons are more prone to heart failure than the others.

Various reasons that could lead to heart failure in a person are

High BP or hypertension:

To push the blood through the veins and arteries, the pressure inside the heart has to be increased and this condition is termed as hypertension or blood pressure/BP. The fact is cholesterol or other types of fats accumulate in the arteries to create obstruction to the blood flow. Heart would have to work extra hard to pump blood and this could over-exert the organ resulting in heart failures.

Coronary heart disease:

It is important to mention that coronary heart disease occurs when fatty deposits or plaque obstructs the arteries. This could lead to reduced blood flow and finally could result in heart attack or heart failure. Important information is those who are diagnosed with coronary heart disease are at more risk of getting heart failure.

Heart defects:

It must be taken into account that some persons are born with certain heart defects where the heart or valves of the heart would not have developed correctly or completely. To pump blood, the healthy parts of the heart would have to work hard and this could result in heart failure.


Person who is obese or having excess weight is more prone to get heart failures. Other health issues like kidney diseases and type-2 diabetes also occurs in those who are obese.