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Methods for improving Memory (power)!!

Posted on: 05/Apr/2014 12:16:53 AM
Though the brain constitutes only 2.5% of the total human body weight, it absorbs 20% of the energy generated. Hence, we should take proper healthy care of our brains in order to enhance our intelligence and memory power.

The brain may require some medication during certain times. Medicine must be given to long-time sufferers of a disease, known s brain fatigue. Glucose provides the required health element for the brain. Amino-acids are also required to avoid brain fatigue.

When the brain functions during the process of metabolism, it requires certain nutrient items. Glut-amine acid, methianaine, Vitamins B1, B2, & B12 are some of these nutrients. A good work routine and mental conditioning is also required to keep brain healthy.

It may be surprising to note that less work and NOT excessive work schedule is actually more responsible for getting tired or fatigued. The memory power is at its lowest during 2 AM & 4 AM in a day. During this period, even other activities are rendered dull. If someone indulges in studying or solving Mathematics problems, a lot of mistakes are likely to be made. Similarly, the period between 12 Noon and 2 PM is also reckoned to be a lean period of brain activity.

It has been established that the brains functions at its healthiest best during 8 Am to 12 Noon and 2 PM to 5 PM. The intensity of the brain function may vary even during these periods.

An individual takes 20 to 60 minutes to tune physically and mentally to the tasks on hand. After some intensive work, the individual starts feeling tired. We have to optimize and get the best benefit during the period when the brain function at its most effective mode.

However, such periods are relatively short in duration. So, it is better to keep the maximum focus during such period without any diversions. Researchers have established that pleasant ambiance is a great factor to enhance brain function.

Music and cheerily colorful ambiance can enhance the brain function. However, some people may find even this to be irritating! What helps certain people to improve their mental focus may do the reverse to certain others. It depends entirely on the individual traits and habits. When you feel a little irritated, music or pleasant thought can help change the mood.

When the body & mind get tired, refreshing songs or red-based colors in the ambiance can help. Ability to recall is the basis of memory power.

One of the best methods is to remember the list of important things and task just before going to sleep or just while getting out of the bed. It also helps to recall if you try to link another item or element related to it.

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