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Improve your oral health or hygiene by eating these superb foods!!

Posted on: 03/May/2022 10:01:23 AM
Oral health plays an important role in our lives just like our physical health!!

We consume various types of foods without knowing the fact that these foods could also harm our oral health. It is superb to consume foods that are healthy because these foods could keep oral issues away. The practice of keeping one`s mouth clean and free of diseases and infections etc is termed as oral hygiene.

One example for poor oral health or hygiene in a person is his or her bad breath.  This issue could be kept away by proper brushing and flossing etc. If the bad breath issue doesn’t go away, then the person must make some changes in the food habits.

Various foods that would make the oral hygiene or health better are

Raisins intake:

It is believed that intake of sticky foods could lead to bacterial growth. Truth is that there are some sticky foods that would improve oral health too. Phytochemicals present in the raisins would drive away the bacteria responsible for causing cavities and gum diseases etc.

Green tea intake:

Many these days drink green tea for their weight reduction. Not many would know that green tea intake could also improve our oral health by reducing inflammation and bacterial growth inside the mouth. This has been brought out by a research study.

Whole grains intake:

Intake of whole grains could prevent heart diseases plus lower stroke risk, lower risk of type-2 diabetes etc in us. Our oral health would become better by consuming whole grains like wheat, barley etc. The body’s ability to process blood sugar would be boosted and this would improve oral health.

Yoghurt intake:

Enamel is the outermost layer of teeth and by eating yoghurt it would be possible to strengthen the enamel. The calcium present in the yoghurt provides superb strength. Intake of yoghurt would also remove bad breath by reducing odour causing compounds like hydrogen sulphide.

Cinnamon intake:

For so many years, cinnamon has been used to improve oral health. Bacterial growth would be inhibited by the presence of cinnamic aldehyde present in the cinnamon. This would prevent oral infections.

Cranberries intake:

It is a well known fact that consusuming cranberries could prevent us urinary tract infections. Our oral hygiene would become better by consuming cranberries. It is believed that the presence of some natural compounds in cranberries would make it impossible for the bacteria to cling onto surfaces. After consuming cranberries, it is necessary to brush teeth compulsorily because they contain high amounts of acids and sugars.

Onions intake:

One of the most commonly used vegetables for making dishes in households, onions are pungent smelling. The onions are effective against various types of bacteria and would prevent cavities from forming in us. Our oral health would improve well.

Milk and cheese intake:

The acids that are produced by the bacteria get neutralised by the casein (a protein) that is present in milk and cheese etc. This would reduce the bad breath and prevent the teeth becoming yellowish in colour etc.

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