Kumari Palany & Co

Wonders of simple 15 minutes stroll after dinner

Posted on: 17/Feb/2019 10:55:53 AM
So, you are done with your dinner. What is next? What do you do? Go on and catch on with your favorite Netflix series? Or check out the social feed? Wait, ever tried a stroll post dinner? That is almost forgotten. This is in fact one of the compulsory activities after dinner. It promotes digestion a lot, but we have in fact almost lost the practice.

There are several evidences that suggest walking after dinner. They claim it to be highly beneficial. According to researches, 15 minutes of walk after dinner helps in adults who have type 2 diabetes. They say such walk helps in combating sudden spike in sugar level. In fact, it is said that walking for 15 minutes post dinner is better than walking for 45 long minutes during the day time.

Generally, after a meal, the secretion of insulin will tend to get weaker, particularly in aged people. Often times, we have a large meal in the evening hours. Sitting idle after your meal time is the worst thing you could possibly do! This will spike blood glucose level like anything. And it will continue to be high for long hours.

So, how does walking after dinner helps? Researches at the University of Otago, New Zealand says walking energizes our muscles by making best use of glucose for making energy. It reduces the total volume of glucose circulating within our body.

So what more do you need than to justify your act of walking for quarter of an hour after your dinner?