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Health benefits of Brussels sprouts

Posted on: 19/Jan/2019 10:27:26 AM
Not many are aware of the fact that Brussels sprouts are the finest source of proteins in the green vegetables and are superb for the health. It is known that Brussels sprouts belongs to ‘Brassica Oleracea’ that includes cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli etc also. It must be noted that Brussels sprouts are found in places like Brussels, Belgium etc. There are many nutrients present in Brussels sprouts and these are carbohydrates, sugars, dietary fibres, proteins, folate, sulphur, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus etc. There are also vitamins like A, C and K present in Brussels sprouts and hence the intake of this vegetable could provide us many health benefits.

Some amazing health benefits we get by consuming Brussels sprouts are

Ability to fighting cancer:

The presence of sulphur in Brussels sprouts play its role here by limiting the onset of prostrate, oesophageal, pancreatic cancer etc in us. The antioxidant present in Brussels sprouts does tremendously in removing free radicals that destroys the healthy cells. By this cancer is avoided.

Bone health is improved:

Health of our bones is very important and intake of Brussels sprouts is very essential in this regard. It is said that the vitamin K in Brussels sprout improves calcium absorption and reduces its excess wastage through urine. Calcium along with copper, iron, manganese etc helps in improving our bone strength.

Hormone levels get balanced:

It is believed that the presence of both volatile compounds plus active ingredients in Brussels sprouts could have positive impact in managing the hormone levels in us.

Immune system is improved:

This is also one superb health advantage we could get by intake of Brussels sprouts. The vitamin C present in Brussels sprout plays its part in improving our immune system. White blood cells are produced with the help of vitamin C and immunity is improved.  Development of chronic diseases as well as oxidative stress could be avoided in us.

Good for pregnant mothers:

The folic acid is present in high quantities in this vegetable and hence pregnant mothers must consume Brussels sprouts without fail. It is known that folic acid is essential as it could prevent neural tube defects in the newborns.

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