Kumari Palany & Co

These are few tremendous health benefits of consuming black tea

Posted on: 17/Jul/2018 11:31:25 AM
These days we consume white tea, green tea, black tea etc for our health. How many of us know what black tea is?

It must be noted that black tea refers to a type of tea that is more oxidised than white or green tea and is strong in flavour than other types of teas. Fluoride, antioxidants like polyphenols are present in this black tea. In different parts of the world this black tea is consumed in different ways. Black tea is consumed as iced tea in western countries whereas in eastern nations this black tea is consumed as hot tea. Black tea in India is produced from Camellia Indica.

These are the various health benefits of consuming black tea.

Reduces type 2 diabetes risk:

This is one main health benefit of this black tea intake and it reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes to 42 %. Polyphenols in black tea plays great role in this.

Heart diseases are prevented:

Heart diseases along with cancer, kidney failure are few main causes for many deaths these days. Improving the heart health is done by flavones in black tea. Repairing of the coronary artery dysfunctions is done by the flavones. Issues like strokes and arteriosclerosis etc could be avoided in us. It is good to take 2 to 3 cups of black tea every day to keep our heart healthy.

Digestion gets improved:

Black tea has got positive effect on our digestive system due to tannins and other chemicals in it. Good gut bacteria get enhanced by the polyphenols in black tea and the growth of other harmful bacteria is prevented.

Relieves asthma:

Reduction in inflammation and swelling of bronchial tubes, enlargement of air passages could be got by consuming hot black tea. Both inhalation as well as exhalation becomes easier. The flavoniods present in black tea is beneficial for those suffering from asthma issues.

Relieves stress in us:

In this fast paced modern world most of us have stress in us. It is said that a cup of black tea could de-stress us as it lowers the production of stress hormone. Relaxation of nerves is achieved.

Bone health gets improved:

Our bone strength decreases when we grow older is a known fact. Most of us do not know that by consuming black tea bone density could be restored back as black tea is a substitute for calcium. By consuming black tea the risk due to fractures could be reduced.