Kumari Palany & Co

Petrol costs more than aviation fuel!

Posted on: 22/Jan/2015 12:54:52 PM
Aviation fuel (ATF) used for the air-planes, costs a lot more than the ordinary petrol used for 2-wheelers & 4-wheelers.

Recently, the central government has increased the Production Tax for petrol & diesel by Rs.2/- per litre. At the same time, the prices of petrol & diesel are being reduced due to the fall in the prices of crude oil in the international market.

However, production tax for petrol has been increased 4 times successively to a total increase of Rs. 7.75 per litre. The production tax on petrol now is Rs. 16.95 per litre.

The cost of petrol in Delhi is Rs. 58.91 per litre.  ATF costs Rs. 52.42 per litre in Delhi. Thus, petrol prices have overtaken aviation fuel prices!

The experts in the field observe that this is the first-ever time it has happened in the country!