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Weather report for Chennai and Tamil Nadu

Posted on: 28/Dec/2013 1:00:19 PM
Yesterday there was darkness till 10 A M. When asked Y E A Raj, director of the Regional Meteorological Centre, in Chennai about this, he said, “The city experienced slight foggy conditions due to a balance between a dip in temperature and slight saturation. This would not have been possible if there was a huge dip in temperature or if there was high saturation. There was a balance, which led to the condition.”
The MET department also said a low pressure region may develop in the south Bay of Bengal in the coming days. However, a prediction said, even if the system develops it will most likely skip Tamil Nadu and bring rainfall to Sri Lanka.
“According to reports, for the next four days, there are chances for a low pressure area developing in the south Bay of Bengal. This will most likely affect only Sri Lanka. More details will emerge in the next few days,” said Raj.
The Northeast Monsoon which is now coming to an end has been subdued this year with the state recording a deficit of 32 per cent as on Friday. The state received only 295 mm as against the normal rainfall of 436 mm. MET officials said the chances of rainfall resuming are unlikely in the next 4 to 5 days. However, the state may receive some rainfall  during Pongal. 
The MET department predicted rain or thundershowers at isolated places in coastal Tamil Nadu in the next few days. However, the state will largely experience dry weather. Fishermen have been warned of strong onshore winds from the northeasterly direction with speeds occasionally reaching 55 kmph along and off the south Tamil Nadu coast.

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