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How to reduce weight through Snake Diet?

Posted on: 06/Apr/2018 4:18:36 PM
Eating every two hours is a very old diet method which almost lost its effectiveness and importance after several researches claiming the method’s unreliability and failure in burning fat. Eating small meals every two hours will sustain the insulin production throughout the day and so increases the overall metabolic rate of an individual. This may result in initial weight loss but sustained results are always a question mark in these types of divided meals technique.

Paleo or Low Carb High Fat Diet found a method relying on the ancient way of dieting, reducing the overall carbohydrates intake and increasing the fiber and good quality fat. This will increase the ketone production inside our body as the result of burning excess fat storage for producing energy. This is the primary reason that these kind of diets are referred as Ketogenic Diet.

An advanced approach to this kind of food approach is fasting methods. There are several fasting methods that can easily enter our body into this ketogenic zone. Also fasting is not a real stress to the human body, as it is always adapted to the fasting style since the era of human beings. The actual method of eating itself was like feasting while food is abundant and fasting when there is an absence. Adapting this kind of ancient approach into our diet can readily help to restore the overall heath and increase the bodies’ capability to burn fat as a fuel.

So fasting methodical diets have many benefits like detoxification and regeneration of new cells improving the overall immune system. Weight reduction is just a side effect of fasting methods and so it is very reliable and confirmed results are evident all over the world.

Snake diet invented by Cole Robinson insist on OMAD (One Mean a Day) which is somewhat an older concept in fasting methods. But a new trend he introduces into the method was to have the next meals after 24 to 48 hours only, depending upon the individual. A Person will have a meal to complete satisfaction along with some nutritional supplements and natural salts. It is then followed by food restriction for complete one or two days.

The cycle can be repeated until the optimal results are found in terms with the individual’s weight, age and body conditions. People from India and China follow fasting procedures in many religious rituals, Muslims do this during the Ramadan Period. It clearly shows the authenticity and safe signal in attempting this kind of fasting method.

Researches conducted in many countries showed tremendous results of fasting for a prolonged period of 24 hours. It can burn fat, remove toxic substances from body, improves immunity, aid for good digestion after fasting and also producing BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotic Factor) which is a major component in maintaining Brain Health.

People undergoing medications and any treatment procedures, Pregnant and breastfeeding Women should never attempt this kind of fasting methods. Proper consultation with a professional fasting nutrition or fasting center is very essential for people with health issues or elderly people.

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