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Intake of green beans is superb for our health

Posted on: 27/Jun/2019 9:48:37 AM
Would you believe this!! There are about 150 varieties of green beans present in the world.

There is variety of vitamins and minerals present in the green beans and for this reason green beans are favourite food for many persons. Other names given to green beans are snap beans, string beans. It is superb to mention that these green beans could be eaten either in raw or in cooked form. Belonging to common bean family’ Phaseolus Vulgaris’, green beans could be available in different colours, shapes etc. Information is though popularized in America and in Europe the green beans are also cultivated in Asia and in Africa also.

It is important to note that green beans contain many ingredients like protein, fat, carbohydrate, fibres in them. Various minerals that are present in green beans are calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, copper etc. It must be noted that green beans have vitamins like C, riboflavin, thiamine, B6, B5, A, E and K.

Consuming green beans could be tremendous for our health in these ways.

Heart health gets boosted:

It is known that green beans have fibres and flavonoids in them. The thrombotic activity in the cells gets regulated and blood clotting in the arteries gets prevented by the anti-inflammatory properties of flavonoids.

Good for the weight loss:

It is said that intake of green beans could help those who want to lose their excess weights. The presence of fibres in the green beans does amazingly in making us feel full and intake of foods is avoided.

Depression is prevented in us:

When we consume green beans, we could be free from depression. The presence of folate in the green beans plays an important role in preventing the release of excess homocysteine in the body. Information is excess hmocysteine prevents blood and nutrients from reaching the brain. Obstruction in the production of feel good hormones like serotonin, dopamine etc takes place.

Good for the bones:

Bone deterioration and osteoporosis could be avoided by the calcium that is present in the green beans. In addition to this, presence of vitamin K and proteins promote bone health. The presence of silica in the green beans helps in the bone regeneration process.

Good for our immune system:

The presence of vitamin C, a water soluble antioxidant in the green beans could fight free radicals and supports the e immune system. It is said that issues like cancers, cardiovascular diseases, eye diseases, autoimmune, inflammatory disorders could be avoided in us.

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