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For the online registration of draft property documents internet cafes would be utilized now

Posted on: 21/Feb/2018 9:30:16 AM
Internet cafes play important roles in our lives and is used by many people is known. People visit these internet cafes for browsing, chatting with their friends etc and this has been going on for many years now. Soon we might see people visiting these internet cafes for another reason.  

The latest news that has come out is these internet cafes or parlours would be utilized for online registration of property documents. It is now clear that public would be able to draft and upload their documents for registrations. It is known that online registration of property documents is time saving and easy for the people.

Recently online registrations for property documents were unveiled by the registration department. It is now said that many browsing centres have been roped by the registration department to help the public in filling draft documents.

Mr J. Kumaragurubaran who is inspector general of registrations expressed his thoughts regarding this and said online registration process could be done at the internet centres and he also spoke about the circular issued to district registrars in this aspect.

According to the circular, owners of the internet centres would be invited by the district registrars. These owners would be given training on subjects like drafting documents plus online payments etc.

It must be noted that these owners of internet centres would also trained in such a way that they could make corrections plus others like drafting deed of exchange and attaching photocopies of the documents that are very essential. Recording of internet centres whose staffs received training would be carried out also.

It is now revealed that between the dates 13th February 2018 and 20th February 2018 the department of registrations has been very busy and it was involved in the registrations of as many as 26096 documents by online process in the state of Tamil Nadu.

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