Kumari Palany & Co

Split the Sales Target into Week and Day !

Posted on: 04/Jul/2019 2:23:24 PM
Business Tips by J Sampath                                                Know more about J Sampath

Target - Defines the process.
Target - Sets the direction.
Target - The most used word by Sales, Business community, some achieve it, many don’t.

The fundamental gap is the process and its corrective approaches.

Either you achieve the target or not, it is a must to have the target; Target helps one to put the thinking process in the right direction, If you achieve it makes you happy and motivates you…If you don’t it hurts and still motivates you to move on and try again.

Without a target, one cannot grow! A target motivates the team in single direction…

Most organisations have the Annual, Quarterly, Monthly targets, where they analyse deep and study the team and the organisations, who achieve targets and keeps growing. They don’t just  have the target, they split the target into weeks, days…

They keep watch on the days and weeks towards the target and review in between to find the gap and then leap. They provide orientation to the team with collective knowledge and understandings. It helps the team to get back on the track to sustain the momentum and achieve the monthly target

A system to an ordinary team makes them extraordinary and enables them to produce extraordinary results. Have a system in place to manage the Leads, Target, achievements and let the team stay motivated for the growth of the organisation.

J Sampath is the Managing Director of JB Soft System, running the organisation successfully since 2001, with more than 2400 clients, He supports his clients through his services like Web solutions, Web consultancy, sharing Best Business practices. Read more...