Kumari Palany & Co

Lunar Eclipse - things to do and not do!

Posted on: 16/Jul/2019 11:34:59 AM
Lunar Eclipse occurs today (Tuesday, 16th July) in India!

Here is a list of things to be done and avoided :

The lunar eclipse can be seen with naked eye today in India and some other countries. Here is how and when to see:

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth, and the moon come in a straight line formation.  During this period, the shadow of the earth falls on the moon, it is called a lunar eclipse.

As there is no sunlight available at this period, the moon would not be clearly visible. In a similar, when the moon passes the sun and covers it, it is known as solar eclipse.

The 1st lunar eclipse for this year occurred on 20th January. With this, the 2nd lunar eclipse is set to occur In India, the lunar eclipse is set to commence precisely at 12.13 AM tomorrow (Wednesday, 17th July). The peak of the eclipse is at 1.31 AM, the central phase is at 3.00AM and is set to conclude at 4.30 AM. Thus, the lunar eclipse is set to last the total duration of approximately 5 hours!

The lunar eclipse occurs in the countries of Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, and South America. In international timings, the lunar eclipse occurs tomorrow (17th July) and the day after (18th July).

Due to the lunar eclipse, several special Darshan sessions stand cancelled in the Tirupathi Lord Venkateswara temple.

Things not to do
  • Pregnant women must not venture outside their residences.
  • Visiting temples must be avoided during the lunar eclipse. This is why the temple corridors are closed during lunar eclipses.
  • It is better to avoid sexual relations during the lunar eclipse. If pregnancy occurs, there are prospects of a deformed infant being born!
  • Do not massage the body with oil!

Things to do after the lunar eclipse ends
  • At the end of the lunar eclipse, perform ‘tarpan’ for the departed ancestors! It is sacred.
  • Once the eclipse is over, take a bath and visit the temple to have the Darshan of the Lord and the Goddess.
  • Light a lamp and pray. This would help alleviate debt problems.
  • Take your food only after the visit to the temple, Darshan, and prayer/poojas!