Kumari Palany & Co

Residents of Chromepet become unwell after consuming polluted Palar water

Posted on: 16/Jul/2019 10:07:34 AM
The shocking piece of news that has come out is the residents belonging to New Colony in Chromepet have fallen sick. It is worthy to note that these residents have consumed the sewage mixed Palar river water provided by the Pallavaram municipality.

Health complications leading to continuous vomiting and stomach pain were observed in atleast 10 persons of this colony and it included senior citizens also. As per the residents, one person was admitted as an in-patient. Many residents are angry regarding mixing of sewage with water.

It was pointed out by a retired policeman residing in the New Colony in Chromepet that the supply of Palar water was not regular and was erratic. Information is he and his wife got treatment at a hospital after they vomited continuously after drinking this contaminated water.

Another resident spoke about how after drinking Palar water he and his wife plus his in-laws developed severe stomach pain. It is important to mention here that all the apartments in the complex have RO plant and inspite of the RO plant the residents found water to be contaminated.

In another apartment complex and on the residences belonging to 2nd Main Road also there were similar complaints. This was confirmed by Mr. V. Santhanam, president, New Colony Residents Welfare Association. He expressed his unhappiness about the municipality officials and said they were callous in their response.  Not only health was affected by this contamination but also residents were affected financially. This was confirmed by another resident.

He added that he had changed the filter of the RO plant totally and pipeline was flushed. Finally he spoke about how money was spent on cleaning of sumps and overhead tanks etc. Mr. Ravichandran, Pallavaram municipality engineer mentioned about the leak in the sewage line and how it was fixed.