Kumari Palany & Co

LICs New Jeevan Anand Plan

Posted on: 16/Jul/2019 11:24:43 AM
Enjoy twin benefits of FULL PAYOUT on maturity & continued LIFELONG COVER thereafter 

LIC New Jeevan Anand is a participating non linked life insurance policy that offers the double benefit of protection and savings.The plan offers financial protection in case of death of the insured and also provides a lumpsum amount in case of survival at the end of the term policy.

Eligibility Criteria for LICs New Jeevan Anand
  • Minimum Basic Sum Assured : 71,00,000 
  • Age eligibility : 18-50 years
  • Maximum maturity age : 75 years Loan facility available
  • Accidental Death & Disability Benefit Rider available

Benefits and Advantages of LICs New Jeevan Anand
  • The policy offers the double benefit of financial protection in case of death of the policyholder and savings.
  • Death benefit - Sum assured on death along with reversionary bonus and final additional bonus(if any) will be paid as death benefit to the nominee in case of unfortunate death of the policyholder.
  • Maturity benefit - The plan qualifies for Maturity benefit which will be paid at the end of policy term considering all the premiums have been paid in full. Sum assured along with reversionary bonus and final additional bonus will be paid as maturity benefit.
  • Convenience - The plan can be purchased online with no hassles.
  • Flexibility -The plan offers the flexibility of paying premiums monthly, quarterly, biannually or annually depending on what the customer is comfortable with.

UIN : 512N279V01 

PLAN NO : 815

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