Kumari Palany & Co

Important details about Menopause in Males - Symptoms and treatment etc!!

Posted on: 13/Sep/2022 9:25:17 AM
If you are of the view that it is only women who gets menopause then you might be surprised by this!!

Also known as andropause, male menopause occurs due to low levels of testosterone levels in males. This could be because of hormonal changes in men. While in females, menopause would cause complete end of ovulation over a shorter periods of time, in men menopause would be due to reduced levels of testosterone and hormonal changes and it would take place slowly and gradually.

After the age of 30, in every man, there would be a slow reduction in the levels of testosterone by about 1percentage. Truth is that the testes in men (that produce sperms) would not stop totally in producing testosterone. When a man reaches 45 to 50 years of age, then he might have issues like diabetes, BP, HTN etc and this might lead to certain changes in the functioning of testes. There would be a 50% decrease in the testosterone levels l in men above the age of 70.

Various symptoms associated with andropause or male menopause are erectile dysfunction, poor sex drive, poor sleep, thinning of skin, depression, low energy etc.

Diagnosis of andropause:
Andrologist or urologist would be able to diagnose correctly male menopause by means of physical examination. Once diagnosed, there must not be any delay in the treatment.

Treatment of male andropause:
It must be noted that males must wear a testosterone patch and these persons would be able to receive hormones through skin. Point is that testosterone gel could be applied directly to the skin or hands. Then, it is important to wash the gel from the hands to avoid transferring it to others. Men with heart diseases etc must avoid taking capsules but normal men in the menopause could take the capsules twice daily after meals. It is essential to do exercises, maintain stress etc to manage andropause symptoms.