Kumari Palany & Co


Posted on: 17/Sep/2010 1:29:16 AM
Besant Nagar , located near Elliots beach   in Chennai was once a beautiful landscape. There are now several eye sore sights in Besant Nagar of which the bus terminus is the biggest eyesore. There is an elyptical island near the bus terminus  , which was once created as a beauty spot.  Now, it is dry and  in bad condition and one would not know as to who is responsible for maintaining it.  Probably, no one. In the bus terminus, it is disgusting to see the drunken men lying unconscious  at several places at any time during the day, with the liquor shop located so near the bus terminus.  This is an embarrassment  for the commuters frequenting the bus terminus, since the drunkards are often found to be lying in awkward positions  and sometimes in  semi naked conditions. What is even more  distressing is that some times  drunken  women are also seen lying in the bus terminus  in unconscious conditions. 
Women and children find it increasingly unsafe  to go alone in this area with drunken men crowding everywhere, particularly during the evening hours. Many  times  the bus terminus  suffers from very poor lighting. 
Apart from this condition, the nauseating smell due to urination around the bus terminus adds to the unhygienic  and disturbing conditions.  
Many streets in Besant Nagar are now full of garbage, which are not being cleaned regularly. There is a fourth cross street where at regular intervals sewage overflow  occur, affecting the people living in  the street and Kakkan colony who are forced  to step on to the sewage water to cross the area. 
The story will not be complete without mentioning the very frequent  sewage  overflow  opposite to Velankanni church on the main road. 
The beach which was once beautiful and on which several lakhs of rupees have been spent by Chennai corporation for the so called beautification project, remains as a ready example to show as to how not to  maintain a natural beach  The stray dogs sharing the space with the men and the hawkers everywhere and the fish stall emanating nauseating smell in one corner, make the  beach as yet another ugly spot in Besant Nagar.
While the people who urinate  in public with absolute indifference , those who throw the garbage everywhere  and drunkards swarming the area  are certainly responsible for the deplorable conditions to a large extent , one would ask as to where is the civic administration ? 
Finally,  with the cremation ground in Besant Nagar with the dark smoke from the chimney polluting the atmosphere, the picture in Besant Nagar is complete as one of neglect  and lack of concern for healthy conditions.