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Why Burdock roots are superb for us?

Posted on: 30/Nov/2019 10:06:57 AM
People belonging to places like northern Asia, Europe and USA would have been familiar with a plant belonging to the family ‘Astereceae’. This plant is known by the name burdock or articum lappa. To treat many health issues, the roots of burdock have been used in Chinese medicine and in western herbal medicine is known.

Various ingredients present in burdock roots are oils, tannins, plant sterols, quercetin, phenolic acid etc. These burdock roots could provide us superb health benefits. The important information is burdock roots are available in form of tea, herbal tincture or in form of pills.

Various health benefits are

Cancer gets prevented:
The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of burdock roots play a huge role here. It has been revealed by a study that burdock roots could slow down the growth of breast cancer tumours.

Kidneys could get cleansed and water retention could be avoided by burdock roots. It must be taken into account that burdock roots allow urine to be passed more frequently and in greater amounts. Waste from blood and body are removed.

Good for digestion:
It is revealed that the insulin (soluble and pre-biotic fibre) present in burdock roots would improve the digestion process in us. Information is insulin regulate inflammation and removes toxins from the body.

Good for the health of liver:
Our liver could get protection from poisonous substances due to the presence of antioxidants present in the burdock roots. Bile production gets stimulated and liver would be able to flush away toxins at faster rate.

Helps in treating skin issues:
Skin based issues like eczema, psoriasis and acne could be treated effectively by means of burdock roots. When applied topically, the antibacterial as well as anti-inflammatory properties in this root would clear the skin issues.  It is superb to note that burdock roots could also be used in treating topical burns.

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